AUXOP or Operational Auxiliarist Program

The AUXOP or Operational Auxiliarist Program is an advanced training program available to members of the Coast Guard Auxiliary.
Completion of these specialty courses entitles the member to wear the Specialty Training Ribbon . Additional courses completed may be indicated by 3/16-inch bronze or silver stars to show completion of additional courses.


AUXOP Program (effective 01 January 2011)

The AUXOP program has been revised to consist of core, leadership, and elective credit elements in order to give variety to Auxiliarists, increase practical AUXOP relevance to Coast Guard missions, and better assist the Coast Guard to fulfill needed skill sets.  Under the new program, Auxiliarists will be required to successfully complete a minimum of seven (7) credits from three categories of courses detailed in items below to receive the AUXOP qualification.  This revision will give Auxiliarists more choices to meet program requirements, allow the pursuit of preferred focus areas, and apply credit for ICS training and expertise.

A. The three required Core Courses, each worth one credit, shall be:

                  1. Auxiliary Weather Specialty Course (AUXWEA).

                  2. Auxiliary Seamanship Specialty Course (AUXSEA).

                  3. Auxiliary Communications Specialty Course (AUXCOM)*.

 * Updated Auxiliary Communications Specialty Course (AUXCOM) (effective immediately):  This updated course is now available from the Auxiliary National Supply Center (ANSC).  It has been reviewed, approved, and promulgated under signature of the Chief Director of Auxiliary (CG-542), and it now replaces the previously numbered Coast Guard course publication.  Auxiliarists who have already begun the previous AUXCOM version have until December 31, 2010 to successfully complete that course for credit.

B. Auxiliarists will be required to complete one of the following Leadership Courses, worth one credit (AUXOP credit will not be applied for more than one course from this category).  These courses include:

                  1. Auxiliary Leadership and Management (AUXLAMS).

                  2. Auxiliary Mid-Level Officers Course (AMLOC).

                  3. Auxiliary District Captain Course (Formerly RCO Course).

                  4. Flotilla Leadership Course (FLC) - this includes online and classroom versions.

                  5. Auxiliary Senior Officers Course (ASOC). 

C. Auxiliarists will be required to complete their AUXOP credits by completing a combination of the following Elective Courses, totaling three or more credits:

                   1. Auxiliary Search Coordination and Execution Specialty Course (AUXSC&E) (the Auxiliary Navigation Specialty Course                                 (AUXNAV) is a pre-requisite for AUXSC&E) - 2 credits.

                   2. Auxiliary Navigation Specialty Course (AUXNAV)- 2 credits.

                   3. Introduction to Marine Safety - 2 credits.

                   4. Auxiliary Patrol Specialty Course (AUXPAT) - 1 credit.

                   5. Auxiliary Aids-to-Navigation (ATON) and Chart Updating C-school (AUX-06) - 1 credit.

                   6. Coast Guard Incident Command System (ICS) 300 & 400 (ICS 210 cannot be used as a substitution) -1 credit.

                   7. Auxiliary Air Coordinator C-school (AUX-15) - 1 credit.

                   8. Specialty ICS courses count as one credit for completion of the in-class course and one credit for the completion of the PQS for a possible two credits. If an in-class course is not available, then PQS must be completed for credit.  Specialty ICS courses include:

                        a. ICS 346 (Situation Unit Leader).

                        b. ICS 347 (Demobilization Unit Leader).

                        c. ICS 248 (Resources Unit Leader).

                        d. ICS 430 (Operations Section Chief).

                        e. ICS 440 (Planning Section Chief).

                        f. ICS 351 (Finance Section Chief).

 *NOTE: The previously canceled Auxiliary Search-and-Rescue Specialty Course (AUXSAR) and Auxiliary Administration Specialty Course  (AUXMIN) shall be acceptable if already completed.  They shall be worth 1 credit each and may be used on a one-for-one basis in lieu of course options listed above.

D. No time limit shall apply to successful completion of AUXOP eligibility requirements.


NOTE: If AUXDATA is not modified to reflect these AUXOP program changes by the implementation date, then AUXOP program completion will have to be manually tracked.  Primary responsibility for tracking personal training and successful course completions rests with the Auxiliarist.